Webinar Replay:

What's New in CVE 2.8.2

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Webinar Replay: What's New in CVE 2.8.2
C Visual Explorer (CVE) is PPCL’s flagship product that enables visualization of thousands of variables and hundreds of thousands of operating points. Powerful data interrogation tools allow filtering and analysis of the data purely visually without require training in statistics or other higher mathematics. This webinar shows what is coming in CVE 2.8.2, including
  • Query outlines showing the multi-dimensional shape of operating envelopes
  • Text substitution, allowing CVE to handle digital and qualitative information>Selectable color palettes, improving accessibility
  • Exporting of Pareto information enhancing Box and alarm tools
  • Enhanced analysis tools for C Process Modeller (CPM) output
  • UNICODE support in primary and secondary labels
  • Numerous bugfixes and improvements
We show the new features in the context of process questions and general investigation techniques, no prior knowledge of CVE is required.

First presented on: 30 November 2022

Presenter: Alan W. Mahoney, PhD