Beyond SPC: Enhanced Process Monitoring with Geometric Process Control (GPC)
Statistical Process Control (SPC) has struggled to deliver the same value to process industries as it has to manufacturing. This comes down to the statistical nature of the tools. Geometric Process Control (GPC) provides the necessary tools to realize these benefits in the process industries.
Detect Abnormal Events Early and Keep Your Process Running with Geometric Process Control
Imagine having 10 minutes or more warning of upcoming abnormal events such as compressor surge or turbine trips, and days warning of slowly developing equipment faults. Operators would have the time to adjust the process to avoid or minimize the impact of the events! This month’s webinar shows how you can build a model from process history and existing engineering knowledge in hours or days.
Process Optimization and Continual Improvement using GPC
Management approaches for Continuous Improvement, using approaches and tools such as 6-sigma, lean, and statistical process control (SPC) are tremendously successful in reducing process variation and improving performance. Limitations include high training requirements in mathematical statistical methods and the general restriction to single-variable statistics.
Geometric Process Control (GPC) as implemented in C Visual Explorer (CVE) expands this dramatically, giving engineers the tools for self-service multivariate investigation and analytics visually, without a statistical background, allowing every engineer to participate and drive continuous process improvement.
Better Operating Targets and Alarms for Multi-mode and Multi-Grade Processes: Improve Quality and Reduce Waste
Most of the examples we use in our webinars are single-mode continuous processes, but no process is that simple. There are separate operating modes for startup, shutdown, catalyst regeneration, reduced rate running, grade transitions, as well as alternate equipment configurations. For batch processes a product recipe defines the start and end-conditions of phases. These phases map onto modes in Geometric Process Control (GPC). There are benefits in extending process knowledge by exploring, visualizing, and modeling the operating envelopes of modes (or phases) visually, individually as well as in aggregate, to discover variable and quality interactions.
Making Operator Alarm Rationalization the Beginning of Better Process Performance
In a good, consistent alarm system, annunciations will be few and alarm limits will outline a Window of Best Operation, acting as a guide to the operator for achieving process objectives. Today, because of inconsistent alarm limits, alarms have become a substantial workload for the operator. We want consistent alarm limits that will result in fewer annunciations and give better target ranges for operation.
This sounds like a tall order if you have not previously seen our methods, because there has not been a method for finding this Window of Best Operation. This has resulted in alarm limits that are inconsistent with process objectives.
Minimize Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Use with GPC
We have invented an easy-to-use entirely visual method based on geometry rather than algebra needing very little user mathematics that can pluck the correct values out of the large amounts of data held in your process history database in a few minutes. It will give you the correct values and calculate how many dollars you can save. Come and see for yourself!
Predictive Maintenance with Operating Envelope Models
This webinar focuses on Geometric Process Control and Envelope-based models, showing how using only historic data a model of normal operation can be built that alerts when the process relationships have changed outside their normal range, providing warning of potential upcoming faults and triggering maintenance. The sensitivity of these models delivers much earlier warning and allows more time to schedule predictive maintenance. The low-cost, low-time delivery of GPC models is ideal for bringing predictive maintenance to smaller pieces of equipment that we now have data for.
A Digital Twin For Process Operations Based on Best Operation
Imagine your process performance if every operator had the insight of your most experienced expert operators. Now you can with Digital Twin models encapsulating the accumulated knowledge of your best process operation. With this continuous help process operation will improve, reducing operating costs, emissions and energy usage and delivering higher yields, more consistent product and a safer process. This technology is applicable to single and multi-mode continuous processes, batch and multi-grade processes including grade transitions. It is easy for your engineers to implement.
Delivering Operational Excellence
In this webinar we will demonstrate how operating envelopes can be used to achieve your KPIs in an Operational Excellence (OpEx) framework. We’ll show how anyone can see a full feed-to-product operating envelope, evaluate KPI targets with baseline performance, identify and resolve inconsistent KPIs, and find appropriate leading KPIs. This dramatically reduces time and builds confidence in the process, increasing acceptance and showing exactly how to operate to achieve goals.
Do not use the Bad Actor Method for Adjusting Alarm or Operating Limits
You’ve rationalized your Alarm and Operating Limits with CVE and are getting the best alarm performance you have ever had. Why would you want to adjust limits and how should you do it? The Capability of many processes changes over time. Eventually you will start getting alarms on temperatures and flows and usually for more than one variable. These are the Bad Actors you want to adjust. You have to do it multi-variably not one at a time but it is quite easy with CVE and we will demonstrate how to do it in this webinar.
What's New in CVE 2.8.2
C Visual Explorer (CVE) is PPCL’s flagship product that enables visualization of thousands of variables and hundreds of thousands of operating points. Powerful data interrogation tools allow filtering and analysis of the data purely visually without require training in statistics or other higher mathematics.
This webinar shows what is coming in CVE 2.8.2, including query outlines, text substitution, selectable color palettes, exporting Pareto information, tools for C Process Modeller (CPM) output, UNICODE support, and numberous bugfixes and enhancements.
We show the new features in the context of process questions and general investigation techniques, no prior knowledge of CVE is required.
Real-Time Operating Envelope Applications: Basics to Cutting-Edge
Geometric Process Control (GPC) helps users understand, improve, and operate their processes.
This webinar focuses on interpreting the full operating envelope, starting from offline response surface applications and moving through typical process optimization, event prediction and digital twin operations to transient, multi-modal models and finally look at some current developments and their promise for the future. Demonstrations with C Process Modeler (CPM), our real-time product, are included.
Operational Process Improvement: You already have the Data
You already have the data for enormous potential in improving plant operation through making operational changes to capture, repeat, and improve best historic operation. Understanding your process behavior is key to unlocking benefits such as higher throughput, better product, lowest costs, less waste, and more uptime.